Environmental policy

Environmental policy

With the motto “For a forever green world“, Hai Long commits to:

  • Minimizing harmful impacts on the environment by strictly complying with current regulations on the environment in accordance with Vietnam’s environmental law and environmental protection standards of the world environment organization.
  • Always look for ways to reduce your negative impact on the environment by saving energy and resources.
  • Prevent the generation of damaged goods, reduce energy consumption and waste resources, reduce the use of stationery such as printing paper, copy paper, etc.
  • Using materials and auxiliary materials that have little impact on the environment, make every effort to limit the generation of industrial waste and increase the rate of reuse.
  • Implement waste classification, reduce waste, reduce types of waste right from the source, collect and store waste according to local regulations, Vietnam Environment Law and only transfer it to companies, the transport collection unit has all the functions permitted by law.
  • Reducing the burden of environmental pollution through strict control of environmental pollution from production and business activities.
  • Close cooperation between departments in the company, wastewater plants, clean water plants directly under the company in environmental protection activities, and at the same time training and disseminating environmental knowledge for all employees in the whole company. Company.
  • Willing to cooperate closely and increase sharing of environmental information with environmental agencies and organizations. Putting the environmental motto into the company’s website and business activities to propagate and encourage all employees, partners and customers to be conscious of preserving the environment.
  • Regularly review the set environmental goals and the status of their implementation and set other higher environmental goals for continued improvement.